Singing Guide: Katie Melua

Singing Guide: Katie Melua

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Katie Melua is a Georgian-British singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Her unique vocal tone, combining elements of blues, jazz and folk music, brings her music to a higher level. In this article, we will explain how to develop a singing voice similar to Katie Melua.

How to Approach Katie Melua's Singing Style

There are several aspects to Katie Melua's vocal style that we will explore.

Breathing Technique and Support

Katie Melua's singing requires full breath support and controlled exhalation. To improve your breathing technique, you may find helpful exercises in our blog entry on Breathing Basics. You can also practice with our special Farinelli Breathing video developed for voice control and breath management. Breath training is crucial to support a melody with the proper dynamics and tone.

Vocal Register and Vibrato

Katie Melua often switches between chest and mixed voice, showcasing her wide vocal range. You can learn more about how to modify your vocal register in our article on Voice Registers & Vocal Break. Katie Melua's singing style is also characterized by the use of vibrato effect, which you can master with our Singing with Vibrato article.

Articulation and Diction

Distinct articulation and precise diction is critical to imitate Katie Melua's vocal style. We recommend our Finger Bite exercise to train your tongue control and Articulation tips to improve the clarity of your lyrics.

Song Choice

To further develop your skills in Katie Melua's vocal style, sing her songs! Choose songs in her signature style, such as Nine Million Bicycles or The Closest Thing to Crazy. Sing them often and play with expression and dynamics.

Additional Singing Tips

Our How to Analyze Your Voice and How to Learn a Song Effectively articles can also help to enhance your singing skills. Remember to also take care of your vocal health, learn to overcome stage fright and perform on stage with our helpful tips.


To achieve a voice similarly to Katie Melua's, focus on training your breathing techniques and breath support, vibrato effects, articulation and diction. Practice singing her songs and analyze your voice to discover weak points. Do this often and track your improvement with our Progress Statistics tool. Keep in mind that Singing Carrots provides a rich set of resources, including a vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, song search, educational singing course, and more.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.